a nietzsche a day

my "a nietzsche a day" book notes and adventure.


typically, a 200-page book can be completed within a matter of days; however, certain works, such as "a nietzsche a day," demand a more extended period of engagement. this book contains a wealth of profound insights and hidden meanings that require considerable time and effort to unearth. a cursory reading would not do justice to the rich content, and it would be ill-advised to invest time in this book without the intention of delving deep. to truly benefit from the wisdom contained within, readers are encouraged to thoughtfully apply each concept to their personal and professional lives, and subsequently, take action.


  1. a purpose to live:

    • the first step to letting go of the feeling of being lost is knowing where you want to go.
  2. there are moments of happiness, but none of them are permanent:

    • if we were happy all the time, that feeling would lose its value, maybe that's why we're rarely happy.
    • we don't have to be ashamed that we don't smile all the time.
    • happiness can be felt more intensely after a period of sadness.
  3. nature does not care about you, feel free:

    • humans care what others think about them: clothes, movements, and talk.
  4. a human can die several times while living:

    • note down the crucial transitions of your life to be reborn.
  5. because we think that unhappiness makes people privileged (as we see feeling happy as a sign of vulgarity and greed), someone to who we say 'how happy are you' may object:

    • while not aiming to become object-oriented, people love discussing only problems, anti-positive accidents, and such, which brings nothing but negativity.
    • the source of stress is not the situations, but how you acknowledge those cases.
  6. discover the true treasure inside you and explore yourself:

    • conquer the gem inside you by diving to the deepest levels.
  7. not talking, and lack of interest is worse than a non-wanted, negative discussion:

    • not saying the right thing at the right time can cause permanent damage, which would backfire.
  8. only where the target matters, not where it is from:

    • successful people are the ones who have managed to draw their own roadmaps and set targets.
  9. a person thinking he/she is perfect is dumb:

    • people spend most of their time on making up for their mistakes instead of producing.
    • no need to take the best possible action. being a better person than yesterday is more than enough.
  10. the ones sharing their secrets believe they deserve to hear our secrets back accordingly, which is nonsense:

    • it is important to be aware when sharing something with the rest.
    • since the moment you have heard/became a part of someone’s secret, you are taking responsibility, which is unnecessary.
  11. in order to stand yourself, and not fall into the void, you should truly love yourself:

    • live for yourself, not the world. (you can not make everyone happy or agree with you)
    • comparisons can result in depression and sadness. (if someone else has a feature you do not, you also do one that someone else has not)
    • do not search for perfection. (perfection does not exist, but the potential better does)
    • welcome your past mistakes. (the mistaken done in the past, which can not be changed should be welcomed, but just not repeated)
    • stop making a situation assessment. (life is just about actions and evolution)
  12. someone aiming to found the future has the right to judge the past:

    • thanks to the education system, since childhood, people get used to being judged by 3rd parties.
    • judging, on the other hand, is a precise sign of someone being insecure.
    • being productive and taking action is better than sitting in the same place and judging the past. (you either constantly take back or straight)
  13. a true friend is one who is really happy when you are and sad when you are sad:

    • it is insanely easy to find people around becoming sad when you are, however, extremely rare to find the ones to be as happy as you are when you are happy (correlation rates matter). such a character is most likely sharing a very sensitive characteristic.
    • it is hard to share happiness because of the instantly appearing “comparison” feeling, where the “why not me?” question is being asked.
  14. it is supreme to have an enemy to be proud of: the one who truly deserves your hate, not disgust:

    • do the mistakes we spend more than half of our lives on really deserve to be fixed?
    • the one not being able to differentiate between caring what and not, is going to care about the thing they were not supposed to and vice-versa.
    • would it matter to you a year later?
  15. success has always been a big liar:

    • the ego is the heaviest drug.
    • failure brings with itself:
      • importance of modesty, the feeling of reality
      • function the imagination, new alternatives
      • think effectively, take actions without haste
      • start from the beginning with a wide perspective
      • examine the limits of your power
  16. humans are like bridges, to be stretched (developed) and extended (improved) life-long:

    • being more than a human
    • superstitions put us in custom dilemmas.
  17. potentially talking about themselves, that one might be trying to hide something:

    • constantly being in need of expressing themselves, are the insecure ones. let the actions speak for yourself.
    • perceive your unique strong sides and abuse them for your and the others’ good sake.
    • get rid of the attitudes and the negative relations that prevent you from developing.
    • do not miss the opportunities. believe and trust in yourself and learn something new.
    • do sport. self-esteem can be boosted as a result of healthy activity. you would produce the happiness hormones.
  18. you will get punished for your strong sides. only your mistakes are welcomed as sincerity:

    • people appearing as your haters and being jealous of you might admire you secretly.
    • jealousy = feeling sad, and negative; dealing with the others’ businesses = getting too much bored.
    • hide your achievements and avoid the jealous people in your projects.
  19. heaven is a state of mind not somewhere you go after you die.

  20. humans are a type of animal that judges:

    • excluding prejudice, judgment is a filter put between us and reality.
    • meditate: go away from the “thought” clouds when you see for 15 mins, and free your mind.
  21. the best gun for an enemy is another enemy:

    • like animals, humans love determining their area and dominating it.
    • “if you know your enemy and yourself, you can end 100 battles without a scratch” - sun tzu
  22. the biggest success is remaining silent, not one being the loudest:

    • there is a secret power in the silence and the void.
    • creativity is born in the absence and the void.
  23. in order not to be swallowed by society, you should always resist:

    • considering you will be potentially alone in the end or scared, feeling the way you are built is priceless.
    • the ones truly being in search must be prepared to progress alone most of the time.
    • a sense of belonging is crucial.
    • “the power of the need to leave the group”
    • “being free is a privilege earned by only a few people”
  24. human being learns best alone:

    • short-term alone aliveness is good to digest recently happened events.
    • benefits:
      • blood pressure stabilizes.
      • pulse and breathing get in order.
      • the level of stress decreases.
      • the immune system regenerates and gets stronger.
      • mood improves.
      • mental activity is stimulated.
      • the tension in the muscles is reduced.
  25. our thoughts show how we would like the people around observe us:

    • keeping unnecessary opinions to yourself is positively correlated with being how wise/sophisticated you are.
  26. asking for the pain is unnecessary, however, if appeared, face it fearlessly.

  27. the logic starts in the kitchen:

    • nutrition should be taken care of seriously, which affects the mood accordingly.
    • the wrong fuel and wrong car example applies to humans as well.
  28. the future affects the past as much as it does now:

    • humanity is built on top of genetic inheritance and past experiences.
    • the future shapes us as much as the past does because we live with not just past experiences, but also the future goals, which we carry.
    • the time parameter matters. the incidents carrying almost no value in the past might instantly become very precious later on.
  29. do not try to stop a rolling stone from the hill. it should be pushed, so it would speed up:

    • redirecting a huge power instead of going against it is more beneficial.
    • avoid these in daily life:
      • discussing/debating when everyone is nervous.
      • trying to persuade someone whose opinions never change.
      • sending an email after getting angry/stressed (at least 24 hours).
      • trying to keep the friendship with someone who blatantly shows dislike towards you.
  30. the surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently:

    • the “success” of the sects, football clubs, and political parties is felt among the group of society where the thoughts and the minds are preset.
    • the viewpoint can be changed by those who see the world differently.
    • read/watch different/opposite news, shows, or programs to get rid of the preset minds and routines.
  31. if someone is in pain, then someone else will pay for it. every complaint summons revenge:

    • people who do complain a lot are not usually aware of it.
    • nobody listens to the others’ complaints in detail.
    • people who complain a lot are not loved in general. which results in losing their friends in the end.
    • talking about unwanted situations is not the solution. on the contrary, makes the person get tired over time and give up.
    • “he who does not know how to hit the ball always complains about the ball being round.”
  32. there is always a bit of craziness in the love, and always a logic within the craziness:

    • “i love smoking my puro also, however, i also do put it out sometimes as well.”
  33. flying is not learned by flying. before trying to learn how to fly, you first have to learn to walk, run, and climb:

    • one of the reasons for stress and disappointment is trying to do things without getting prepared/trained.
    • he who is aware of his potential knows how to deal with the obstacles put on by life.
    • achievement is a stack of small ones.
  34. attention should be paid while fighting against the monsters, in order not to turn to one of them:

    • it all depends on the person to choose how to react and take action according to an event, even though it is one of the worst and most unwanted scenarios.
    • if you can not prevent the pain at any cost, then face it.
  35. everybody observes differently. the father of the horror, sphinx has a unique viewpoint as well. so, there are dozens of truths and nothing like a correct one:

    • stress, which turns the world into over opponent, can be countered with empathy.

    the hats:

    • white hat: looks at the situations objectively. hence, the person approaches the situation more cold-blooded, calm, and analytic.
    • black hat: usually thinks negatively. helps to identify the sides and the ways that could go wrong and prevent them.
    • green hat: requires thinking creatively and is imaginary. requires a more innovative approach alongside including the potential brand new alternatives to apply.
    • red hat: the reflection of expressing emotions, feelings, thoughts, and intuitions.
    • yellow hat: thinks more positively. helps to identify the good sides and the ways that can happen eventually.
    • blue hat: is a more analytical hat. they shape our thoughts and the whole situation timelapse.
  36. the most blatant lie is the one that you tell yourself to fool yourself:

    • fooling yourself is the reason that turns you into a monster.
    • by also causing stress, these types of people always think that they are right, and the others are wrong.
    • thinking everybody is wrong is easier than accepting an individual mistake.
    • accepting mistakes and confusion of ours will solve most of our problems.
      • “wearing shoes is simpler than laying a carpet for the whole world.”
  37. the day you do not dance a bit at least once is a lost day:

    • improves the awareness of the body's connections and communications. can be used as an alternative communication method, especially, for introverts.
    • improves self-trust.
    • suspends the stress, both physical and psychological tension.
    • helps to control the moves as much as the emotions.
  38. your body is wiser than your deepest philosophy:

    • body language:
      • stroking the chin: thinking before taking the decision
      • folding the arms: defense mode
      • bowing head a bit: interested in the discussion
      • crossed fingers: authority, reaction expectation from the opposite side
      • rubbing eyes: disbelief
      • playing with hair: insecurity, desire to seduce the opposite side
      • pursing the lips: dissatisfaction damaged belief
      • touching the cheek: thinking
      • putting hands on hips: about to say or do something crucial
      • rubbing hands: waiting for things to happen excitedly
      • rhythm with fingers: impatience, impetuosity
      • looking at the ground: not believing the talks of the opposite side
      • facing up palms: sincerity, innocence
      • moving one leg continuously after crossing the leg: bored, impatience
      • sitting on the edge of the chair: the will to leave asap
      • sitting with open/spread legs: relax, be open
      • join the heels: fear, sensibility
  39. if you stare at the cliff, the cliff would stare at you back:

    • the universe is a mirror that reflects our opinions back to us.
    • it is us coloring the world the way we look at it. that is why, pessimistic people do never get rid of negative events. (the law of attraction)
    • your whole life is just the filmed form of your thoughts.
    • the 4 rules of the law of attraction:
      • to know what to want and ask it from the universe.
      • focus the thoughts on the wanted thing.
      • acting like what we asked for has been actualized.
      • to be ready to welcome the thing that we asked for when it actually comes.
  40. normal events do not occur after extreme ones, but the opposite of these events:

    • if you know when to retreat, you would never be endangered.
    • passions can cause reckless action.
    • trying to find a common path does not mean being afraid or not being assertive.
  41. i need companions, but living companions, not dead or cadavers to carry wherever my heart desires:

    • our bravest friends are those who can celebrate our successes with us.
    • the ones who can tell us when we go wrong are our true friends.
    • friends who can tell us anything but what we want to hear and do it for our own good help us become better versions of ourselves.
    • most of these difficulties and obstacles are the ones that we, personally, put in our own way.
    • hence, the greatest leaders in history did always select such right-hands instead of the clappers.
  42. showing your love with open hands and being humble, that's the hardest thing:

    • freedom and love go along together and love walks together.
    • if i love you because you love me, that is nothing but a trade business.
    • when you do a favor, it should not be done for even the “thank you” from the opposite party. there should be no expectation from the other side.
  43. we may find the arrogance of a successful person more unpleasant than the arrogance of an unsuccessful person: success is an unpleasant thing:

    • comparison hell.
    • comparison and subsequent jealousy instead of motivating us to unleash our potential of ours, become an enormous obstacle.
    • comparison usually affects friendship relations, the reason being the people that he is jealous of is usually the closest ones.
    • when we replace jealousy with ambition, the successes of others and what they have seems like an invitation to be a better person.
    • the best comparison is the comparison of our past and current versions to inspire the future ourselves.
  44. the best thoughts are the ones that come to mind along the way:

    • define a day and time to date yourself. do not let any matter cancel at any cost.
    • define the date place to be somewhere to be inspirational, and that would make you remind of the happy memories or just make you feel better.
    • choose a time range when it is not crowded and the others would not disturb your philosophical journey.
    • if you have anxieties, take notes to ask yourself there. note the decisions you will be taking in the date as well.
    • do not put a time limit to end your date. you can not predict how far the journey can take you. do not return unless you think the session is over.
    • the perfect places for the journey can be arks, museums, graveyards, and maybe even some places in the cities you do not even know of.
    • wear comfortable. philosophy does not require show or manifestation.
  45. a person who does not know how to express his thoughts on the ice should not enter into heated arguments:

    • whatever you are supposed to say, say it tomorrow morning.
      • discussion and misunderstandings, where everyone listens to their own thoughts, are the biggest sources of stress.
      • the ones who always want to be righteous have a lengthening problem list.
        • instead of fighting against the people, mingle with them smartly.
        • for healthier discussions and communications, do not cut people in the middle and let them finish their sentences.
        • every time you choose to be charming before you're right, you're going to make the right decision.
      • instead of putting pressure on why we are right momentarily, the opposite side would realize their mistakes over time and we would not have to waste our time and energy on the polemics.
      • in order to simplify life, you need to let your thoughts cool down on the ice.
  46. in order to heal someone in love, strong glasses would be enough:

    • by replacing the feeling of love with another feeling, the negative sides of love can be left within a few hours.
    • even though “love” might sound to be a good feeling, it channels a person's full energy here. considering, there are stress and pain at the edges, couples should live the "love" in the correct place and time.
  47. when a person realizes another person he blames to be dumb is not really, he gets angry:

    • prejudices determine much of human relationships and cause a contagious rage that is very difficult to control.
    • it can be stopped in 3 consequent ways:
      1. prejudice - considering every human being is different, it becomes very easy to find a prejudiced action among the activities.
      2. blame - the actions sourced from the prejudice lead to this step. while focusing on the first and the absolute outcomes of the actions, we do always miss interpreting them differently from a different perspective.
      3. revenge - the last step which is being triggered by the accusation. it can be hidden, matter of fact, the person who wants to get his revenge most likely will not even be aware of it. for instance, moving away from the person is one of the actions.
    • the whole scenario is operated under inconsistency and superiority. as long as not required, putting prejudice aside also leads to escaping this procedure.
  48. a friend should be a master at predicting and shutting up. he should not seek to learn everything:

    • most of the closest friendships are done over one side scrutinizing the other side's personal life.
    • the moment one side decides to capture the other's role of a mom or a dad, a breaking point occurs in the friendship.
    • in terms of drawing the border lines, every individual should be free. however, if one of the sides decides to cross the border, then a cold war starts as a result of the observation of invasion.
  49. using the same words does not guarantee you will be understood, it is necessary to use words that point to the same experience, so common experiences should be had.

  50. he was alone and could not find anyone but himself. he, too, began to enjoy his solitude and spent long hours contemplating very good things:

    • when someone is alone, they may choose to watch tv or browse the internet. however, regardless of these activities, having some free personal and alone time would provide them with positive energy.
      • people who got used to the dynamicity of the daily world are afraid of being alone by trying to distract themselves from something. why would we want to distract ourselves? what are we afraid of?
  51. a person’s intellectual potential is measured over the humor of sense:

    • man suffers so much in the world that he had to invent laughter.
    • any truth that is not accompanied by at least one laugh should be considered false.
    • the medically proven benefits of laughter:
      • allows you not to feel pain.
      • accelerates blood circulation and improves blood pressure.
      • it is good exercise. five minutes of laughter is equivalent to 45 minutes of light exercise.
      • massages the organs.
      • it strengthens immunity and prevents diseases.
      • it reduces stress, and relieves intensity.
      • it releases endorphins, the happiness hormone.
      • it reduces tension in the muscles and helps us feel good.
      • makes it easier to assess problems.
  52. i like brave people, but knowing how to use the sword is not enough, it is necessary to know who to hurt. for an enemy worth it, retreating is often an example of even greater courage:

    • anyone can get angry, it's very easy. but getting angry with the right person, at the right time, in the right place, for the right reason, is not that easy.
  53. why should the cat purring of someone who doesn't know how to love matter to me?

    • the fact that people can push themselves too hard to love people who have decided not to love them back.
    • the things learned in the maturity period are not simple subjects such as getting knowledge.
    • it is learned to be careful on the roads that can lead a person to his destruction, and not to waste energy due to tension.
    • it is learned that the world is in love with talent and takes its resentment from man.
    • it turns out that most people are not for or against us, they are simply lost in themselves.
    • it is learned that no matter how big our effort is to get others to love us, there will always be those who just don't love us. it is learned that no matter how big our effort is to get others to love us, there will always be those who don't love us.
  54. being wise requires having very different experiences and wanting to get into the lion's mouth. this is of course dangerous, many sages have not been able to avoid being swallowed:

    • according to nietzsche, a person who has been in and out of hell can be a much better guide than someone who has never experienced a single difficulty in his life.
    • for this reason, he could not understand that religious people who have never been married are authorized to give advice on marriage.
  55. what distinguishes some brains from others is not seeing something new, but seeing a new side to old and familiar things that have been seen over and over by the world. there is usually a brainless person who discovers new things anyway, lacking in spirit and imagination: that's a coincidence:

    • a true journey of discovery is not looking for new places, but looking with new eyes.
    • if we apply this idea to the business world, we can define an entrepreneur as someone who can see an opportunity that no one else has seen.
    • ‘people say you have to travel to see the world. sometimes I think if you just sit quietly and open your eyes, you can see everything you want.’ - paul auster
  56. anyone who cannot spare two-thirds of his day for himself is a slave:

    • being addicted to work is a major source of stress because the person who thinks that he can't devote enough time to work, no matter how hard he works, ends up losing or strongly damaging his health, private life, or family.
    • ‘statistics also reveal that workaholics are no more productive than a regular employee, the only thing they do extra is to warm up their chair for longer.’ - gayle porter
    • it is useful to follow the classic period: 8 hours of work, 8 hours of sleep, and 8 hours to ourselves.
  57. praise is the best way to help and calm confused people:

    • it is unnecessary to criticize the other person because he will feel the need to get defensive and explain himself. in addition, the person who criticizes also causes the other person to get angry.
    • we will be more successful if we choose our words carefully instead of using censorship in social relations.
    • trying to correct yourself rather than waiting for others to correct you will yield much more useful and clear results.
    • the most liked people are those who stop talking to others and focus on their own problems.
    • instead of condemning people, it is necessary to try to understand and realize why they behave in a certain way.
    • in two months you spend paying attention to people, you can make many more friends than in two months waiting for people to pay attention to you.
    • a lot of stupid people can criticize, condemn and complain, which most of them do all the time anyway.
  58. a lot of stupid people can criticize, condemn and complain, which most of them do all the time anyway:

    • inside every person, there is a child who wants to play.
    • it will always be easier for people who can maintain their childhood curiosity and desire to play, to achieve new successes.
    • ‘stories are written so that the children sleep and the adults wake up.’ - hans christian
  59. no one is too crazy to find another crazy person to understand him:

    • consider two close friends who, after spending time together for a long time, leave to work in different countries. no matter how impossible it may seem, it is quite possible that they will meet during their trip to a different part of the world.
      • the reason for this is very simple: if they have common hobbies and habits, it may be possible for them to travel to the same city at the same time of year. since they will want to go to the same places during this trip, they will pass through certain places at certain times of the day.
        • after three years without seeing each other, when they meet at a foreign language bookstore in tokyo's ginza district, "what a coincidence!" they will say, but this is perfectly normal.
  60. what we don't like when we oppose an idea is often the way it is expressed:

    • 4 keys of the art of speaking:
      • listening: a person who is good at the art of speaking knows how to listen to the person in front of him without interrupting. if we fail to listen carefully, we cause reluctance in the speaker.
      • speak our opinion only when asked: crossing boundaries to tell someone what to do will cause conflict. it's pointless to speculate on people's private lives unless our opinion is asked.
      • avoiding distractions: there is nothing more discouraging than a person who is listening to you suddenly starts talking on a cell phone.
      • asking questions: if we do nothing but listen when someone is describing an experience or point of view on a subject, the conversation can get clogged up. asking questions about the topic being discussed is a very good way to maintain the dialogue.
  61. i think animals see humans as their counterparts who have extraordinarily lost their animality. so they think that humans are irrational animals, laughing animals, crying animals, and unhappy animals:

    • the greatest source of happiness for most people living in developed countries is to meet the needs that they do not actually need.
    • when we add the emotional and even economic problems of the frequently changed lovers to the pressure created by all the artificial needs, we see that the stress is growing.
    • to be happy in this life, we must ask ourselves exactly what we want.
    • happiness is possible by getting rid of our burdens and living a simpler life.
    • maybe we need to get a little animalistic.
  62. before you get married, ask yourself: 'can i talk to this person forever?' everything else in marriage is temporary:

    • from draws attention to the fact that the only way to love another person is to know himself and to respect individuality.
  63. it's hard to understand how people are so ignorant about people:

    • a person can only know himself when he can become conscious of everything. a person's limits are those around him.
    • in order to reach true wisdom, we must accept that we are empty.
    • knowing ourselves is not a sign of selfishness, it is a test in which we try to realize our potential in order to continue on our way without getting stuck in life stops.
  64. shame on the thinkers who are the soil and not the gardener of their plants:

    • through meditation, zen students quiet their thoughts and become conscious of their empty minds. just as the dirt settles to the bottom and the water becomes clear in a glass in which we put dirty water, thoughts also sink to the bottom and the mind becomes clear.
    • while doing this, it is very important not to separate thoughts as good or bad.
    • if we live without our prejudices, the light of life will make the most beautiful flowers bloom in the garden within us.
  65. those who enter through this door will honor me, and those who do not will make me happy:

    • we base our self-confidence on what others think of us.
    • anyone who does not depend on his happiness for external approval will be truly happy.
  66. the real reason we love life is not that we are used to living, but because we are used to loving:

    • although we sometimes give priority to other things, loving is the first and most important of human activities.
    • in the end, the only thing given and received is love.
  67. the human cause of events is a starting cause that acts originally:

    • luck doesn't last long because it doesn't depend on you. but good luck can last forever because man creates his own good luck.
    • good luck requires willpower, perseverance, and a little bit of courage.
    • successful people do not belong to a different race, it is their attitudes that make them different. the real question is: what are they doing that I am not?
    • good luck has nothing to do with external factors and fate, the person who wants to activate his good luck must create new conditions.
  68. nothing belongs to you but your dreams:

    • ‘wise people have big dreams because they don't want to overlook some of their dreams while fulfilling others.’ -william faulkner
    • everything that happens was first imagined.
    • man's destiny is shaped by the size of his dreams.
    • if we lose our dreams, we lose an important part of ourselves, namely our capacity and potential to realize our dreams.
    • make a list of your biggest dreams. which ones happened? which ones did you give up halfway through? most importantly: which dream is next?
  69. he who is incapable of giving is also incapable of feeling:

    • when we feel we have given something to others, we become aware of our own worth.
    • no one is poorer than a person who cannot give anything because giving is a sign of wealth
    • the greatest stinginess is the stinginess of the heart.
    • the hearts of people who live without showing their emotions to anyone, become crusted and eventually become unable to feel.
    • what you give, you give to yourself. if you don't give, you take it from yourself.
    • knowing how to give is just as important as knowing how to receive. he can say that the person who can both receive and give love is emotionally rich.
  70. illusions are pleasures that come at a heavy price, but the cost of destroying them is much higher.

  71. the essence of everything beautiful in art is satisfaction:

    • some people feel miserable despite having everything; on the other hand, those who know how to be happy with the little gifts life gives.
    • use your eyes as if you will be blind tomorrow. hear the sounds of the music, the chirping of the birds, the notes of the orchestra as if you will be deaf tomorrow.
    • if we make the art of contentment a part of our lives, we will be wearing glasses of emotion that will enable us to think positively even in difficult moments.
  72. it is not uncommon to encounter copies of great people. as with paintings, most people pay more attention to copies than to originals.

  73. a person who does not have a good father should try to be a good father.

  74. everything develops slowly in deep wells: one has to wait to see what falls into the depths:

    • every action we slow down is like the seed we plant in a healthier and more comfortable life.
    • walking makes the world a much bigger and more interesting place. one has time to examine the details.
  75. the day has hundreds of pockets when there is so much stuff to put in.

  76. a sensitive soul gets annoyed at the thought of being thanked, but a rude soul when it needs to be thanked:

    • when we express our gratitude, we become aware of the beauties we encounter and give life a small recompense for what it has given us.
  77. man hates not what he considers inferior, but what he considers equal or higher.

  78. how many people know how to look? so how many of the few people who know this know how to take care of themselves? man is the most distant from himself:

    • the journey one takes to himself is the longest and most difficult because it always requires touring the same place to see the things we are very close to and cannot see.
    • it is no accident that in the three questions of existence (who are you? where do you come from? where are you going?) that the first question is about identity. a person who does not know who he is will not be conscious of what he has left behind and what he is aiming for in the future.
    • in response to the question of who we are, we can show our job, the car we drive, and the religion we belong to. but these are not the things that define who we really are.
    • just as our dreams define us, identity is what distinguishes people from others. it defines what is ours alone in this world, our personal purpose.
    • finding that purpose can be very difficult, but even looking for it means knowing the answer to the question of where we are going.
  79. war makes the winner stupid and the loser angry:

    • ‘true victory is achieved when armies do not fight, when the city is not besieged, when the destruction does not last long, that is when the enemy is defeated by strategy.’ - sun tzu
    • ‘the trick is to deceive: if you can attack, you must appear helpless. if the soldiers are on the move, you should appear to be standing still. if you are near the enemy, you must make him believe that he is far away. if you are far away, you must make believe that you are near.’ - sun tzu
    • ‘you have to hit the enemy when they least expect it and be prepared for it to hit you even when there is no danger. in the meantime, you should prevent it from getting stronger.’ - sun tzu
    • ‘instead of destroying the nearby enemy, talk to him. of course, this has a purpose: if you can capture the soldiers and conquer their hearts, you can have a say in your superiors.’ - sun tzu
  80. every master has a student and this student will never be loyal, but he should not forget that he will become a master himself in the future:

    • everything has a beginning and an end. everything lives as long as it takes. then it must die.
  81. the real world is much smaller than the fantasy world:

    • everything a person dreams of, other people will do.
    • ‘a person with imagination can create a whole world out of nothing.’ - einstein
    • ‘imagination helps travel and is much cheaper.’ - gustavo adolfo bécquer
    • here are a few examples to spark the imagination:
      • pay attention to your intuition and reflection.
      • get rid of your useless habits.
      • feed your mind with books, movies, and games.
      • take time for yourself to navigate your dream world as you wish.
      • think of the most unlikely things, the impossibilities.
      • brainstorm.
      • always carry a notebook of ideas with you.
      • write down your most interesting dreams.
  82. if a friend harms you, tell him: 'i forgive you for what you did to me, but what about what you did to yourself! how can i forgive them?’

    • dangerous friendships: ways to unmask the energy vampire:
      • he is a very caring and loving person. they will be the first to call to listen to us when we have any trouble, but they will rarely listen to us afterward.
      • he will monopolize the conversation at the first opportunity he can tell about his personal drama.
      • when we talk about any of our plans, he will use various ways to prevent us from realizing them, because the energy vampire constantly compares himself with those around him and does not want anyone to get ahead.
      • he tends to criticize and blame the people around him, and when he finds new friends, we will likely be the target of his criticism.
      • although we never call him, he does not take it personally and insists on meeting him because his social circle is limited.
      • the universal sign that our friend is an energy vampire: we feel incredibly tired and negative after the meeting.
  83. hope is a much more powerful stimulus than luck:

    • hope continues to be preserved in the depths of our hearts.
  84. pain that doesn't kill me makes me stronger:

    • ‘i thank life for an easy one’ - sigmund freud
      • in fact, his life is full of difficulties. those who have experienced these difficulties have become stronger and wiser people instead of being destroyed.
    • ‘gaining resilience is the art of navigating stormy waters. the injured man loses his way due to trauma and must go in a direction he doesn't want to go. being aware of being caught in the current and approaching the waterfall, this person must remember the memories hidden in the depths of his memory and fight against the flow with the desire to gather strength.’ - cyrulnik
    • if the stormy waters did not kill us, we have gained vital experience that will help us save ourselves and our friends in difficulties.
  85. the person who sees badly is the person who sees very little. the person who hears badly is the one who hears too much:

    • ‘the pursuit of happiness is one of the sources of unhappiness.’ - eric hoffer
    • when we think about our experiences and try to make sense of them, we may be missing the main point.
    • sometimes we only hear what we want to hear, because the murmur of our thoughts overwhelms reality, and it always comes easier for us to prefer our own thoughts to the truth.
    • philosophical thinking is about broadening the perspective and not getting caught up in the easy way of thinking.
  86. every time i climb up i am followed by a dog named 'ego':

    • one's own ego is one of the greatest sources of pain and stress because it is insatiable and very difficult to tame.
    • even those who develop theories on the ego cannot get rid of their egos, and the biggest indicator of this is their frequent power battles.
    • ‘i find it very sad to think that the sages have no problems, that they do not have any problems with money, food, or sex, which are the problems of the whole world. to think as if they were all talking heads; i mean, it's really sad to pretend that religion exists not to live life but to suppress it, deny it, run away from it, and get rid of our impulses and instincts…’ - ken wilber
    • even admitting that you are someone's teacher is an ego sign.
    • ‘authority seduces both the teacher and the student.’ - krishnamurti (even the owner of these words did not hesitate to provide authority.)
  87. idealism is an illusion:

    • be a realist, seek the impossible.
    • optimistic pessimistic realistic
    • when starting a new job, we need to be optimistic to be courageous and ambitious, pessimistic to be prepared for possible difficulties, and realistic to keep everything under control.
    • being an idealist is the right attitude to not be fooled and not to give up on our dreams too soon.
    • it is the architect within us who designs our dreams, but to realize them we need to awaken the bricklayer in us.
  88. you have your own way, i have my own way. as for the only and right way, there is no such thing:

    • ‘there were two paths in the forest, i chose the less traveled one, and that changed everything.’ - robert frost
    • ‘it is a very human feeling to be afraid of what we do not know, to be a little worried when embarking on a new adventure, but it should not be forgotten that important things are learned only in adventures.’ - m. scott peck
    • ‘our most important moments are likely to be when we feel distressed, unhappy, and dissatisfied. because in these moments, the imposition of disappointment can go astray and we start looking for more correct answers in other forests.’ - m. scott peck
  89. faith is conviction:

  90. the person who stops comparing his life to the lives of others finds that his own is much more beautiful than he thought:

    • comparing our lives with those of others is nothing more than an excuse that only adds to the difficulties we face in building our own lives.
    • each person walks his own path, and the path others take may not be of any value to us.
  91. a person immediately forgets the mistake that he confessed to another, but that other person does not forget it easily:

    • few people don't reveal a very important secret of a friend when there's nothing left to talk about.
    • we are masters of what we do not say, and slaves of what we do.
    • we should be able to control what we say to whom. something that doesn't seem important the moment we say it, can come to us out of nowhere.
    • ‘the investigative person seeks energy. he asks questions, wanting to find something reprehensible in the other person's life. when he finds it, he criticizes it from his own point of view. he starts to focus on the person who is exposed and pays attention to his actions and thoughts because he does not want to make a new 'mistake' that the investigator can realize. this psychological humiliation gives the investigator the energy he seeks.’ - james redfield
  92. the formula for happiness: a yes, a no, a straight line, a goal:

    • health to be able to work with pleasure.
    • strength to fight against difficulties.
    • the capacity to admit and forgive mistakes.
    • patience to reach the goal.
    • helpfulness to be able to see the neighbor well as well.
    • love to be useful to others.
    • faith to live with the holy.
    • hope to overcome fears about the future.
  93. the best way to start the day is to decide before the sun goes down that we're going to make at least one person happy:

    • what really matters is the events or the way we look at things.
    • it comes to many conclusions, but the simplest and most effective is this: 'happiness is possible by making others happy’
  94. the highest and ultimate form of life is simplicity and naturalness:

    • ‘simple pleasures are the last shelter of complex people.’ - oscar wilde
    • the richest person is the one who enjoys the cheapest things.
    • millions of people live together in a small space in our society and everyone feels alone.
    • nature is the only place where a person who wants to find himself can go.
    • chasing your own dreams and living the dreamed life brings success.
    • investing in goodness is the best investment you can make in life.
  95. isn't life too short to get bored?

    • get rid of all the ties that upset you, bother you, and are unnecessary.
    • gradually move away from people who are constantly complaining and not talking about things that concern you.
    • think about whether your job really excites you or not and whether you have a chance to turn to another job that you love to do.
    • think about things you've always wanted to do and couldn't, like learning a language, playing an instrument, or joining an amateur theater group.
    • get out of the habits that have captured your life in recent years.
    • enter new environments where you can meet new people.
    • learn at least one thing every day.
    • do little craziness occasionally.
  96. man does not attack a man with the sole aim of injuring or defeating him, sometimes only to realize his own strength:

    • we must strive so that our every action will keep us in the class of great people and be a perfect example of intelligence.
    • do not attack a force that you are not sure you can defeat.
    • you must either not fight or destroy your opponent, petty rages can turn into unstoppable revenge.
    • all injustices must be done at once, people suffer less because they are less accustomed to it; on the other hand, good deeds should be done gradually so that their value is understood.
  97. our shortcomings are the best teachers and we never give that teacher the credit he deserves:

    • taking a new path rather than being disappointed by shortcomings is the most important choice that separates creative people from those who accept failure.
  98. regret is like a dog biting a stone, that is, stupidity:

    • the real problem is that we get stuck with an irreversible behavior we have done in the past.
    • ‘when we think about the past, we feel regret or shame, when we think about the future, we feel desire or fear. but all these emotions come out of the present and affect our present moment. this effect does not make us feel happy or satiated most of the time. we must learn to face all these feelings. the most important thing we should never forget is that the past and the future meet in the present. if we focus on the present, we can transform the past and the future.’ - thich nhat hanh
    • instead of trying to bite the stone, it would make much more sense to look at what we can do to make our lives better with what we have here, right now.
  99. love is not consolation, it is light:

    • get rid of all sources of negative energy, including people, places, and habits.
    • look at things from different angles.
    • seize the present: yesterday is gone, and tomorrow may never come.
    • our family and friends are our hidden treasures; enjoy this wealth.
    • follow your dreams.
    • ignore those who try to spoil you.
    • take action.
    • even if it seems very difficult, try, then it will seem easier.
    • repetition brings perfection.
    • those who give up halfway never win, winners never give up halfway.
    • read, work, and most importantly learn everything about life.
    • stop trying to predict what will happen.
    • ask for more of everything.
    • strive to be perfect in everything you do.
    • aim for your goals and fight for them.